Monday, May 18, 2009


Sigh* Took back my Chinese,History and Art results today.
This time, I think I've done badly for my Chinese and I am so disappointed.
Hey... I nearly failed. Even my sister did better than me this time.
Just as I thought, I got scolded/nagged by my mother.
Hmm... I am starting to wonder if the paper was really difficult or was I deproving. T.T
Putting that aside, at least I did not do quite badly for my History and Art. Phew.

Chinese [Paper 1]
-> Letter Writing - 12/20
-> Composition - 28/50
Chinese [Paper 2] - 37/70
History - 18/30
Art - 59/100

Anyway, stayed back in school today until 4:30pm for the financial thingy.
Spent about 1h30min playing the so called ''monopoly'' . Hahas.
Will be having it for the next two days and there will be Chinese intensive starting from thursday.
Busy week nehhs~ >.<
Hmm... I think I'll stop here. Can hardly open my eyes~~
Goodnights! :]

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