Sunday, May 24, 2009

June holidays is coming!!!
I am so looking forward to that day. :D
And that means... JUNE CAMP is coming! Hahas.
Well,kinda feel bored going to school nowadays.
There is Chinese intensive going on and will be having English oral on the 26 or 27 May.
Sigh* oral uh... I hope I can pass. [ No confident ] >.<
Hey,I think I really need a break. I've been feeling so... nevermindd.
I don't know what's the right word to describe that feeling. Weird?
I can say that many things had happen these days. Be it happy or sad.
Of course, It's better not to think too much though.
So... I guess I'll stop here as I 've got nothing much to write.
Ohya! By the way... Happy Birthday to Nelson. :]
See ya!

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