Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hey people! :]
It's been 11 days since I've last blogged.
Many things happened during that 11 days,
and I can hardly remember what had happened.
Yesterday,I finally met up with my boyfriend! ;D
I did not see him for exactly one month cans.
Had dinner with his family at Tampines.I was kinda late. =x
After dinner,deardear's father wanted to watch a movie called ''Shinjuku Incident''.
The movie was NC-16 and I was like...UNDERAGED ! Lols.
At first when I wanted to go in to the theatre,there's one person standing there.
He kept looking at me and suspect if I'm 16.
However,I still managed to get in because deardear's mother
and his auntie kept saying that I'm already 16 and so the person let me in.
Ok...I admitted,maybe...I just don't have that mature look.Hahas!!
Some parts of the movie was quite violence though.
Deardear kept covering my eyes when it reached the violence part.
Overall,I think the movie was fine. :]
After that,deardear sent me home.
I reached home at about 10.20pm if I'm not wrong.
Had a great day yesterday,especially when I'm with him. =)
Lastly,I just wanna say...
Happy Birthday to Daddy!!!
&& not forgetting...
Happy Birthday to Brion!!!
Stay happy always yeah!
I guess I'll stop here today.
Byebye! ^^

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