Sunday, March 29, 2009

What will you do when boredom strikes? No idea uh.
Ahh...I miss my boyfriend badly and I'm so going crazy now.
I miss your hug,I miss your kiss,I miss going out,I miss...EVERYTHING cans. :[
Hmms...nothing special happened these days.
I think I seriously need a hair cut.Should I cut short or should I not? *Wondering*
Ok...anyway,I went out today.Just whitesands and nowhere else.Lols.
I wanted to go to the library and borrow books.
However,I did not managed to find any books that I'm interested in.
After that,went to the Popular to buy things.
Saw my mother at Elias Mall with my two niece and all~
Then,home sweet home.Nothing much happened actually.
Kinda boring~
I should just stop here then.
Bye! ;]

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