todae nvr go out,jux stayed at home~bored bored bored.cant use com.coz my com got some problem den cant on.but at last iish fiixed XD so happy,fiinally can use com.so sad niid waiit tiill 11:30pm den can use. T.T whiile waiitiinq,iie nearly fell aslp coz too siianx hahas.ytd miie && YL stayed up tiill 4am as we were playiinq the games iin msn.we triied almost all the games.thr's one game call puzzle & we played.fiirst,we triied the easy one,den the diiffiicult derhh.wah iit was reallii diiffiicult siia.miie & hiim used 22 miins tuu fiiniished the easy one & almost 1 hr tuu fiiniished the diiffiicult one.see the diifferences.hahas.so happy siia when fiinally fiiniished.den he took some piics when we were solviinq the puzzle.
todae nvr go out,jux stayed at home~bored bored bored.cant use com.coz my com got some problem den cant on.but at last iish fiixed XD so happy,fiinally can use com.so sad niid waiit tiill 11:30pm den can use. T.T whiile waiitiinq,iie nearly fell aslp coz too siianx hahas.ytd miie && YL stayed up tiill 4am as we were playiinq the games iin msn.we triied almost all the games.thr's one game call puzzle & we played.fiirst,we triied the easy one,den the diiffiicult derhh.wah iit was reallii diiffiicult siia.miie & hiim used 22 miins tuu fiiniished the easy one & almost 1 hr tuu fiiniished the diiffiicult one.see the diifferences.hahas.so happy siia when fiinally fiiniished.den he took some piics when we were solviinq the puzzle.
here's some of the piics:


hmms...iie thiink tats all for todae barhhs.
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