Hey sup! :]
I've MIA for 2689134575126 days.
And now I'm back! Hahahas.
Today's my last paper which is Art. Sit for the exam for 3hrs sio. *butt pain*
Hahas. Forget about that, just relax and wait for my results to be out.
Speaking of results... I'm like so scared lar. What if I retain? T.T
Fail English = Retain !!!!
As you know, my English is so damn poor. Like CMI.
Somemore, the English exam is difficult. *Die*
Hope can pass all my subjects bahhs.
By the way, the Girl Guides Cookie have arrived! :]
Yummy~ Hahas.
Ohya, this reminded me of something very frustrating. Roar!
You too right, XiangPing? Lols. Nevermind... And so...
I will be going to the HQ tomorrow with XiangPing.
OMGxz I'm so addicted to Anime nowadays. Hahahas.
Shall stop here. Will be gone for long~
Bye! ;]
PS I know it's quite late and I'm so sorry for wishing you now.
Happy Belated Birthday, Xin Ni. ♥
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Boo!! :]
I'm back again and I miss blogging.
And yay! I finally changed my blogskin. :D
It took me hours to get it done and I'm quite satisfied with it.
As you know, I am not active in blog so I'll be blogging again in a long while.
Anyway, I doubt anyone will come and read my blog as it is like so... BORING?!
Hahas. Ok. Enough of craps. :]
For your infomation, starting from today, school starts at 8:20am, every thursday.
Yeah, school starts late... It also end late. Like no different but at least can sleep awhile more.
Hees. Today in school quite relax de, I think.
Except that, the guys in the class kept throwing pillows here and there,
and the most annoying thing is that it actually hits until people.
Hmph, don't wanna talk about it le.
By the way, will be having O level Higher Chinese Oral on the 15th July 2009.
OMG! I am so nervous. =x
Hope everything goes well for me.
I'll stop here today.
Toodles. :D
I'm back again and I miss blogging.
And yay! I finally changed my blogskin. :D
It took me hours to get it done and I'm quite satisfied with it.
As you know, I am not active in blog so I'll be blogging again in a long while.
Anyway, I doubt anyone will come and read my blog as it is like so... BORING?!
Hahas. Ok. Enough of craps. :]
For your infomation, starting from today, school starts at 8:20am, every thursday.
Yeah, school starts late... It also end late. Like no different but at least can sleep awhile more.
Hees. Today in school quite relax de, I think.
Except that, the guys in the class kept throwing pillows here and there,
and the most annoying thing is that it actually hits until people.
Hmph, don't wanna talk about it le.
By the way, will be having O level Higher Chinese Oral on the 15th July 2009.
OMG! I am so nervous. =x
Hope everything goes well for me.
I'll stop here today.
Toodles. :D
Friday, June 26, 2009
Yesterday, I went for my Chinese Oral Mock Exam.
I totally screwed up. >.<
The passage was ok but the conversation part was the worst.
Hais. After that, Madam Ye commented me. She said I did not do very well.
Sad ok. But luckily is just a Mock Exam. So, PHEW...
Enough of all this. Hahas.
So yeah, will be going to the guides carnival tomorrow.
After that must rush to my grandmother house le.
Omg, holidays is going to be over soon.
2 more days to school reopen. :[
Awww... I haven't even do finish all my homework yet.
Must chiong le. =x
Yay~ Today got '"The Absolute Boyfriend" show. :D
Will update again soon.
See ya! ^^
I totally screwed up. >.<
The passage was ok but the conversation part was the worst.
Hais. After that, Madam Ye commented me. She said I did not do very well.
Sad ok. But luckily is just a Mock Exam. So, PHEW...
Enough of all this. Hahas.
So yeah, will be going to the guides carnival tomorrow.
After that must rush to my grandmother house le.
Omg, holidays is going to be over soon.
2 more days to school reopen. :[
Awww... I haven't even do finish all my homework yet.
Must chiong le. =x
Yay~ Today got '"The Absolute Boyfriend" show. :D
Will update again soon.
See ya! ^^
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Time For Updates!!!
Hey people! ^^ I've got nothing to do right now so I'm making use of this time to blog. Finally uh? Hahas. :] Had been away for Guides camp from 2-4 June. As for what we do, I think I 'll not list it out as It's a long story. The one thing I don't like about is that we had to pitch the tent under the hot sun! T.T I guess this is the part where everyone dislike. Hahas. The interesting part of course is the Campfire and the Graduation party. Had lots of fun during the camp and we took lots of photos as soon as we break camp. Went to KFC for lunch together. On the way there, we laughed very loudly as we joke. I can say that the bus was filled with our laughter and there's this lady who scolded us because we made too much noise. Lols. After that, home sweet home~ :]
Pictures :

Been invited by Tommy to the chalet.
I went on the second day of the chalet and that day was Inwe's birthday.
I reached there around 3+ I think.
Get to know two girls, Cai Fang & Wen Li. :]
Nice to know them and we get along pretty well I guess.
In the evening, went to Seoul Garden for dinner.
Damn full de. Hahas.
After that, went back to the chalet and celebrate Inwe's birthday.
I think Inwe very poor thing because everyone throw the cream at him as soon as we finished singing the birthday song. Lols.
Went home around 9+ and I realised that I've been fool by my brother. o.o
Lastly, I don't know if there's some misunderstanding between us but seriously, I don't really care.
Today, most of the Sec 3s guides went to visit Ms Fong.
We gave her a surprise. Hahas.
We stay there for quite awhile and we were happily chatting away.
Then, Ms Fong's sis-in law drove XiangPing, Shermeen & me to WhiteSands to buy some kuehs and tibits.
Ohya, and a box of ice. Lols.
Feels like we were having a feast at her house.
By the time I reached home, It's already dinner time and I was like so full.
Ok, I think I'll stop here now.
See ya! ^^
Hey people! ^^ I've got nothing to do right now so I'm making use of this time to blog. Finally uh? Hahas. :] Had been away for Guides camp from 2-4 June. As for what we do, I think I 'll not list it out as It's a long story. The one thing I don't like about is that we had to pitch the tent under the hot sun! T.T I guess this is the part where everyone dislike. Hahas. The interesting part of course is the Campfire and the Graduation party. Had lots of fun during the camp and we took lots of photos as soon as we break camp. Went to KFC for lunch together. On the way there, we laughed very loudly as we joke. I can say that the bus was filled with our laughter and there's this lady who scolded us because we made too much noise. Lols. After that, home sweet home~ :]
Pictures :
8 June '09
Been invited by Tommy to the chalet.
I went on the second day of the chalet and that day was Inwe's birthday.
I reached there around 3+ I think.
Get to know two girls, Cai Fang & Wen Li. :]
Nice to know them and we get along pretty well I guess.
In the evening, went to Seoul Garden for dinner.
Damn full de. Hahas.
After that, went back to the chalet and celebrate Inwe's birthday.
I think Inwe very poor thing because everyone throw the cream at him as soon as we finished singing the birthday song. Lols.
Went home around 9+ and I realised that I've been fool by my brother. o.o
Lastly, I don't know if there's some misunderstanding between us but seriously, I don't really care.
10 June '09
Today, most of the Sec 3s guides went to visit Ms Fong.
We gave her a surprise. Hahas.
We stay there for quite awhile and we were happily chatting away.
Then, Ms Fong's sis-in law drove XiangPing, Shermeen & me to WhiteSands to buy some kuehs and tibits.
Ohya, and a box of ice. Lols.
Feels like we were having a feast at her house.
By the time I reached home, It's already dinner time and I was like so full.
Ok, I think I'll stop here now.
See ya! ^^
Sunday, May 24, 2009
June holidays is coming!!!
I am so looking forward to that day. :D
And that means... JUNE CAMP is coming! Hahas.
Well,kinda feel bored going to school nowadays.
There is Chinese intensive going on and will be having English oral on the 26 or 27 May.
Sigh* oral uh... I hope I can pass. [ No confident ] >.<
Hey,I think I really need a break. I've been feeling so... nevermindd.
I don't know what's the right word to describe that feeling. Weird?
I can say that many things had happen these days. Be it happy or sad.
Of course, It's better not to think too much though.
So... I guess I'll stop here as I 've got nothing much to write.
Ohya! By the way... Happy Birthday to Nelson. :]
See ya!
June holidays is coming!!!
I am so looking forward to that day. :D
And that means... JUNE CAMP is coming! Hahas.
Well,kinda feel bored going to school nowadays.
There is Chinese intensive going on and will be having English oral on the 26 or 27 May.
Sigh* oral uh... I hope I can pass. [ No confident ] >.<
Hey,I think I really need a break. I've been feeling so... nevermindd.
I don't know what's the right word to describe that feeling. Weird?
I can say that many things had happen these days. Be it happy or sad.
Of course, It's better not to think too much though.
So... I guess I'll stop here as I 've got nothing much to write.
Ohya! By the way... Happy Birthday to Nelson. :]
See ya!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sigh* Took back my Chinese,History and Art results today.
This time, I think I've done badly for my Chinese and I am so disappointed.
Hey... I nearly failed. Even my sister did better than me this time.
Just as I thought, I got scolded/nagged by my mother.
Hmm... I am starting to wonder if the paper was really difficult or was I deproving. T.T
Putting that aside, at least I did not do quite badly for my History and Art. Phew.
Chinese [Paper 1]
-> Letter Writing - 12/20
-> Composition - 28/50
Chinese [Paper 2] - 37/70
History - 18/30
Art - 59/100
Anyway, stayed back in school today until 4:30pm for the financial thingy.
Spent about 1h30min playing the so called ''monopoly'' . Hahas.
Will be having it for the next two days and there will be Chinese intensive starting from thursday.
Busy week nehhs~ >.<
Hmm... I think I'll stop here. Can hardly open my eyes~~
Goodnights! :]
Sigh* Took back my Chinese,History and Art results today.
This time, I think I've done badly for my Chinese and I am so disappointed.
Hey... I nearly failed. Even my sister did better than me this time.
Just as I thought, I got scolded/nagged by my mother.
Hmm... I am starting to wonder if the paper was really difficult or was I deproving. T.T
Putting that aside, at least I did not do quite badly for my History and Art. Phew.
Chinese [Paper 1]
-> Letter Writing - 12/20
-> Composition - 28/50
Chinese [Paper 2] - 37/70
History - 18/30
Art - 59/100
Anyway, stayed back in school today until 4:30pm for the financial thingy.
Spent about 1h30min playing the so called ''monopoly'' . Hahas.
Will be having it for the next two days and there will be Chinese intensive starting from thursday.
Busy week nehhs~ >.<
Hmm... I think I'll stop here. Can hardly open my eyes~~
Goodnights! :]
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Hey! I finally blogged! No more looking at the same old post. Hahas!
At the top is photos taken at my uncle's wedding.
I also have not upload the photos that were taken at the beach, celebrating Trisha's birthday.
It is way too OVERDUE...
Can't be held due to some problems and I was not able to upload
the rest of the pictures so too bad~ :[
Looks like I've not blogged for one month plus plus.
As we know, that month was exam period and everyone was busy studying, so am I.
At the top is photos taken at my uncle's wedding.
I also have not upload the photos that were taken at the beach, celebrating Trisha's birthday.
It is way too OVERDUE...
Can't be held due to some problems and I was not able to upload
the rest of the pictures so too bad~ :[
Looks like I've not blogged for one month plus plus.
As we know, that month was exam period and everyone was busy studying, so am I.
Exams?! Hmm... I took back some of my results recently and was sad to say that currently I had fail 2 subjects.
English [Paper 2] - 27/50 PASSED!
Mathematics [Paper 1] -36/80 FAILED!
Mathematics [Paper 2] -29/100 FAILED!
Social Studies - 22/30 PASSED!
Physics - 33/75 FAILED!
I was quite happy that I FINALLY passed my English and Mrs Ng said I've improved.
I 'm also surprised that I actually passed my Social Studies and even got second in class. :]
Overall, there's sad news and happy news. Maybe tommorrow will get back my Chinese paper. Let's see how it goes!
Sigh* Seriously, I really hope I can do better than that in EOY.
As for today, I went out with my mother and my sister.
We went to Bedok to buy some stuffs.
Bought a lot of things there.
Went home afterwards and watched Monster Inc.
Hahas. That's all for today.
Byebye! :]
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hey people! :]
It's been 11 days since I've last blogged.
Many things happened during that 11 days,
and I can hardly remember what had happened.
Yesterday,I finally met up with my boyfriend! ;D
I did not see him for exactly one month cans.
Had dinner with his family at Tampines.I was kinda late. =x
After dinner,deardear's father wanted to watch a movie called ''Shinjuku Incident''.
The movie was NC-16 and I was like...UNDERAGED ! Lols.
At first when I wanted to go in to the theatre,there's one person standing there.
He kept looking at me and suspect if I'm 16.
However,I still managed to get in because deardear's mother
and his auntie kept saying that I'm already 16 and so the person let me in.
Ok...I admitted,maybe...I just don't have that mature look.Hahas!!
Some parts of the movie was quite violence though.
Deardear kept covering my eyes when it reached the violence part.
Overall,I think the movie was fine. :]
After that,deardear sent me home.
I reached home at about 10.20pm if I'm not wrong.
Had a great day yesterday,especially when I'm with him. =)
Lastly,I just wanna say...
Happy Birthday to Daddy!!!
&& not forgetting...
Happy Birthday to Brion!!!
Stay happy always yeah!
I guess I'll stop here today.
Byebye! ^^
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Phew...Today was such a tiring day for me.
I had Girl Guides rehersal for the upcoming Honours Day.
Although we are the GOH as known as the Guard Of Honour,
we had to stand very straight with a smile on our face.Lols.
There's one uncle very funny and dramatic as he keep making us laugh.
He also told us about his past experience when he was a scout.
After that,my patrol - Dove,had to stay back to plan for this Friday's activities.
Ahh...I think I'm gonna die!
I didn't know that Mrs Ng will want back the cover page
of the carnival coupon and I don't have one.Die die die~ T.T
Stayed in school until 4+ or 5pm,then went home.
After that went out for dinner.
Aww...I hope you get well soon~ Missing you ♥
By the way,guess what day is tomorrow ? Its April Fool Day! Yeah ;D
However,I got English test tomorrow.What a sad case.
Wish me good luck guys! Hahas.
Ok I'll stop here today. :]
I had Girl Guides rehersal for the upcoming Honours Day.
Although we are the GOH as known as the Guard Of Honour,
we had to stand very straight with a smile on our face.Lols.
There's one uncle very funny and dramatic as he keep making us laugh.
He also told us about his past experience when he was a scout.
After that,my patrol - Dove,had to stay back to plan for this Friday's activities.
Ahh...I think I'm gonna die!
I didn't know that Mrs Ng will want back the cover page
of the carnival coupon and I don't have one.Die die die~ T.T
Stayed in school until 4+ or 5pm,then went home.
After that went out for dinner.
Aww...I hope you get well soon~ Missing you ♥
By the way,guess what day is tomorrow ? Its April Fool Day! Yeah ;D
However,I got English test tomorrow.What a sad case.
Wish me good luck guys! Hahas.
Ok I'll stop here today. :]
Sunday, March 29, 2009
What will you do when boredom strikes? No idea uh.
Ahh...I miss my boyfriend badly and I'm so going crazy now.
I miss your hug,I miss your kiss,I miss going out,I miss...EVERYTHING cans. :[
Hmms...nothing special happened these days.
I think I seriously need a hair cut.Should I cut short or should I not? *Wondering*
Ok...anyway,I went out today.Just whitesands and nowhere else.Lols.
I wanted to go to the library and borrow books.
However,I did not managed to find any books that I'm interested in.
After that,went to the Popular to buy things.
Saw my mother at Elias Mall with my two niece and all~
Then,home sweet home.Nothing much happened actually.
Kinda boring~
I should just stop here then.
Bye! ;]
Ahh...I miss my boyfriend badly and I'm so going crazy now.
I miss your hug,I miss your kiss,I miss going out,I miss...EVERYTHING cans. :[
Hmms...nothing special happened these days.
I think I seriously need a hair cut.Should I cut short or should I not? *Wondering*
Ok...anyway,I went out today.Just whitesands and nowhere else.Lols.
I wanted to go to the library and borrow books.
However,I did not managed to find any books that I'm interested in.
After that,went to the Popular to buy things.
Saw my mother at Elias Mall with my two niece and all~
Then,home sweet home.Nothing much happened actually.
Kinda boring~
I should just stop here then.
Bye! ;]
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hey! In a blink of an eyes,our one week holidays is over and school starts again.
I did not seems to enjoy my holiday as it was a busy week for me.
During the one week holidays,I went to Malacca for girl guides.
It was fun. :] I also went to Shadrina's house to do English performance task.
Other than that,I think I'm too busy to go out.Lols.
I've got back my Maths paper today.
Damn disappointed with my Maths result.
Actually,I got 25/50 for my Maths,but for some reasons,
the teacher go minus my marks so now become 22/50. *Sigh*
Stayed back in school until 4+ to do our Chemistry performance task.So tiring~ >.<
I did not seems to enjoy my holiday as it was a busy week for me.
During the one week holidays,I went to Malacca for girl guides.
It was fun. :] I also went to Shadrina's house to do English performance task.
Other than that,I think I'm too busy to go out.Lols.
I've got back my Maths paper today.
Damn disappointed with my Maths result.
Actually,I got 25/50 for my Maths,but for some reasons,
the teacher go minus my marks so now become 22/50. *Sigh*
Stayed back in school until 4+ to do our Chemistry performance task.So tiring~ >.<
Sisters For Life! :]
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Had girl guides yesterday...
Those who are going to go for the Malacca trip including me,went to Cedar Girls Seconday School for briefing.We also had our uniform inspection by Auntie Agnes.Had lots of fun there & we get to know some friends too.All of us were separated to different patrols and my patol was ''Little Miss Responsible''.We had to introduce ourselves and create a cheer.After that,took bus back to Siglap and then went to find Xiang Ping's sister at West Plaza.When we were on our way home,we saw Armond & Aik Chuan they all.They said that they were going back to school.After I've accompany Shermeen to the bus-stop,I headed home.I was very tired and I fell asleep at about...9+ ? I woke up at 1am.Hahas.So sad lor,he never contact me for one whole day. :[
However,he called me at 1+ am. :] Miss him badly.
Hahas.And for today,I'll be going to my grandparent's house.
I think I should stop here today.
See ya~ :D
4 more days~ XD
Those who are going to go for the Malacca trip including me,went to Cedar Girls Seconday School for briefing.We also had our uniform inspection by Auntie Agnes.Had lots of fun there & we get to know some friends too.All of us were separated to different patrols and my patol was ''Little Miss Responsible''.We had to introduce ourselves and create a cheer.After that,took bus back to Siglap and then went to find Xiang Ping's sister at West Plaza.When we were on our way home,we saw Armond & Aik Chuan they all.They said that they were going back to school.After I've accompany Shermeen to the bus-stop,I headed home.I was very tired and I fell asleep at about...9+ ? I woke up at 1am.Hahas.So sad lor,he never contact me for one whole day. :[
However,he called me at 1+ am. :] Miss him badly.
Hahas.And for today,I'll be going to my grandparent's house.
I think I should stop here today.
See ya~ :D
4 more days~ XD
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
It's been so long since I've updated my blog.A lot of things had happened during this period of time.However,I'm too lazy to list them out so I'll keep this post short & sweet. :]
As usual,went to school and study study study~ I've got back my English and Maths test paper.Not surprising that I'll fail.Only 30% of my class passed English and I knew that I would do badly for this Maths test.This does not really affects me because I will work harder! Thinking positively sure is important. :] Today,Mr Brian was not happy with our class because of some matters and was planning to give us detention.In the end,instead of giving us detention,he asked us to go to the hall for...Ermm,I don't know what's that call.Nevermind.Stayed at the hall for 1 hour and then we were dismissed.Home sweet home~ Ohya,last Saturday was Ces't La Vie and the performance was great.
*clapclap* for them. :D
I'm so looking forward to our next Ces't La Vie which will be in two years time.
That's all for today.
Byebye! :]
As usual,went to school and study study study~ I've got back my English and Maths test paper.Not surprising that I'll fail.Only 30% of my class passed English and I knew that I would do badly for this Maths test.This does not really affects me because I will work harder! Thinking positively sure is important. :] Today,Mr Brian was not happy with our class because of some matters and was planning to give us detention.In the end,instead of giving us detention,he asked us to go to the hall for...Ermm,I don't know what's that call.Nevermind.Stayed at the hall for 1 hour and then we were dismissed.Home sweet home~ Ohya,last Saturday was Ces't La Vie and the performance was great.
*clapclap* for them. :D
I'm so looking forward to our next Ces't La Vie which will be in two years time.
That's all for today.
Byebye! :]
Monday, February 16, 2009
14 Febuary 2009
Happy Valentine's Day! :]
This is my first time celebrating Valentines' Day with my love and I'm loving It.
It was a memorable day and I'm very happy.
At first,meet him under my blk at about 12+ and then headed to Sentosa.On the way there,deardear & brion totally ignored my sister & me so we did not care about them either.We started talking only when we reached HarbourFront.When we reached Sentosa,we played the 4D Magics.It was cool.Other then that,we also played luge and skyride.It was fun except for the helmet part,keep dropping.We went to the beach after that and play~~ WEE!Soon,we meet up with Amos,Jing Ru,Dawson & Jerald and had lunch together.Our next place was the UNDERWATER WORLD.It was like so long ago since I went there.I can't believe I actually touched the stingray.It was so smooth.We went a lot of rounds in the underwater world and took lots of pictures too.we stayed there for quite a long time and then went to meet Amos and Jing Ru.It was already night time so we went to the beach and crossed the bridge to the tower.By then,I was very tired and thirsty~ After that,trained back to Pasir Ris and took bus home.So
tiring...went to bed after washing up.
Here are the pictures :

Happy Valentine's Day! :]
This is my first time celebrating Valentines' Day with my love and I'm loving It.
It was a memorable day and I'm very happy.
At first,meet him under my blk at about 12+ and then headed to Sentosa.On the way there,deardear & brion totally ignored my sister & me so we did not care about them either.We started talking only when we reached HarbourFront.When we reached Sentosa,we played the 4D Magics.It was cool.Other then that,we also played luge and skyride.It was fun except for the helmet part,keep dropping.We went to the beach after that and play~~ WEE!Soon,we meet up with Amos,Jing Ru,Dawson & Jerald and had lunch together.Our next place was the UNDERWATER WORLD.It was like so long ago since I went there.I can't believe I actually touched the stingray.It was so smooth.We went a lot of rounds in the underwater world and took lots of pictures too.we stayed there for quite a long time and then went to meet Amos and Jing Ru.It was already night time so we went to the beach and crossed the bridge to the tower.By then,I was very tired and thirsty~ After that,trained back to Pasir Ris and took bus home.So
tiring...went to bed after washing up.
Here are the pictures :
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